--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: API de Redsys para PSD2 version: 1.1.0 title: API Multibanco x-ibm-name: api-110dc55c contact: name: Soporte PSD2 email: psd2.sandbox.soporte@redsys.es x-ibm-languages: title: en: Multibank API tags: - name: PSD2 description: Endpoints disponibles para el hub PSD2 x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: realized produces: - application/json consumes: - application/json schemes: - https securityDefinitions: RedsysClientSecret: type: apiKey description: Clave acceso consumidor APIS in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Secret RedsysClientId: type: apiKey description: Identificador consumidor APIS in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id security: - RedsysClientId: [] basePath: / definitions: Amount: type: object properties: currency: type: string example: EUR content: type: string example: "150.03" Link_scaRedirect: properties: href: type: string description: URL para el link x-ibm-languages: description: en: URL for the link example: https://hub.example.es/authorize additionalProperties: false Link_self: properties: href: type: string description: URL asociada al link x-ibm-languages: description: en: URL associated with the link example: /v1.1/payments/sepa-credit-transfers/123-qwe-456 additionalProperties: false Link_status: properties: href: type: string example: /v1.1/payments/sepa-credit-transfers/123-qwe-456/status description: URL del link x-ibm-languages: description: en: URL of the link additionalProperties: false Link_scaStatus: properties: href: type: string example: /v1.1/payments/sepa-credit-transfers/123-qwe-456/authorisations/123auth456 additionalProperties: false Link_StartAuthorisation: properties: href: type: string example: https://hub.example.es/authorize description: URL asociada al link x-ibm-languages: description: en: URL associated with the link additionalProperties: false Link_StartAuthorisationWithAuthenticationMethodSelection: properties: href: type: string example: https://hub.example.es/authorize description: URL asociada al link x-ibm-languages: description: en: URL associated with the link additionalProperties: false _links: properties: scaRedirect: example: "" $ref: '#/definitions/Link_scaRedirect' description: En caso de SCA por redirección. Link donde el navegador del PSU debe ser redireccionado por el TPP. x-ibm-languages: description: en: In case of SCA by redirection. Link where the PSU browser must be redirected by the TPP. startAuthorisation: properties: [] example: "" $ref: '#/definitions/Link_StartAuthorisation' description: En caso de que un inicio explícito de la autorización de la transacción sea necesario (no hay selección del método SCA) x-ibm-languages: description: en: In case an explicit start of the transaction authorization is necessary (there is no selection of the SCA method) startAuthorisationWithAuthenticationMethodSelection: properties: [] example: "" description: Link al end-point de autorización donde el sub-recurso de autorización tiene que ser generado mientras se selecciona el método SCA. Este enlace es contenido bajo las mismas condiciones que el campo "scaMethods" x-ibm-languages: description: en: Link to the authorization end-point where the authorization sub-resource has to be generated while selecting the SCA method. This link is contained under the same conditions as the "scaMethods" field $ref: '#/definitions/Link_StartAuthorisationWithAuthenticationMethodSelection' self: $ref: '#/definitions/Link_self' description: link al recurso creado por esta petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: link to the resource created by this request. status: description: Link para recuperar el estado de la transacción. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Link to retrieve the status of the transaction. $ref: '#/definitions/Link_status' scaStatus: description: Link para consultar el estado SCA correspondiente al sub-recurso de autorización. Este link es solo contenido si un sub-recurso de autorización ha sido creado. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Link to check the SCA status corresponding to the authorization sub-resource. This link is only content if an authorization sub-resource has been created. $ref: '#/definitions/Link_scaStatus' additionalProperties: false AccountReference: type: object properties: iban: type: string example: ES1111111111111111111111 bban: type: string example: "20385778983000760236" pan: type: string example: "1234567891234567" masked_pan: type: string example: 123456******4567 msisdn: type: string example: "12414515" currency: type: string example: EUR List_TppMessage: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessage' TppMessage: properties: category: type: string example: OK code: type: string example: ACCESS_OK text: type: string example: Acceso OK path: type: string example: /example/path additionalProperties: false AuthenticationObject: properties: authenticationType: type: string description: 'Tipo del método de autenticación. Valores posibles: • SMS_OTP • CHIP_OTP • PHOTO_OTP • PUSH_OTP Ver anexo 6.6 Tipos de autenticación para más información.' authenticationVersion: properties: [] type: string description: Versión de la herramienta asociada al authenticationType. authenticationMethodId: properties: [] type: string description: Id del método de autenticación proporcionado por el ASPSP. name: properties: [] type: string description: Nombre del método de autenticación definido por el PSU en la banca online del ASPSP. additionalProperties: false List_AuthenticationObject: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AuthenticationObject' _SpecialServicePaymentEntity: properties: servicePaymentName: type: string description: Nombre del servicio de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment service name entityCode: type: integer description: Código de entidad. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity Code. example: "12345" paymentType: type: integer description: Tipo de pago. Vendrá con valor 1. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment type. It will come with value 1. example: "1" chargeType: type: integer description: Tipo de cargo. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of charge. example: "1" productName: type: string description: Nombre del producto que ofrece la entidad. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the product offered by the entity. example: productName specialServicePaymentParameters: properties: [] description: Lista de posibles importes admitidos $ref: '#/definitions/ListSpecialServicePaymentEntityParameter' x-ibm-languages: description: en: List of possible amounts admitted minimumAmount: properties: [] description: Indica el importe mínimo del Servicio de Pago. Importe mínimo acppetado es 0.01. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Indicates the minimum amount of the Payment Service. Minimum amount accepted is 0.01 maximumAmount: properties: [] description: Indica el importe máximo del Servicio de Pago. Importe máximo aceptado es 99999.99. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Indicates the maximum amount of the Payment Service. Maximum accepted amount is 99999.99 entitiesCorporateData: properties: [] description: Entity Corporate Capital Currency.. $ref: '#/definitions/ListEntityCorporateData' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity Corporate Capital Currency. additionalProperties: false ListSpecialServicePaymentEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_SpecialServicePaymentEntity' _EntityCorporateData: properties: fiscalName: type: string description: Nombre fiscal de la entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Fiscal name of entity example: Van Egmond fiscalNumber: type: string description: Número fiscal de la entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Fiscal number of entity example: "6017337891225600" fiscalAddress: type: string description: Direccion fiscal de la entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Fiscal address of entity example: 362 Pocmos Highway fiscalRegister: type: string description: Registro fiscal de la entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Fiscal register of entity example: wupvucl corporateCapital: type: string description: Entity Corporate Capital Amount $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity Corporate Capital Amount reference: type: string description: Descripcion referencia para factura x-ibm-languages: description: en: Description reference for invoice example: Telemóvel iva: type: string description: IVA factura $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: VAT invoice message: type: string description: Mensaje de la entidad al PSU x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity message to the PSU example: OBRIGADO POR PREFERIR A companyName. CASO NECESSITE ListEntityCorporateData: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_EntityCorporateData' _SpecialServicePaymentEntityParameter: properties: code: type: integer description: Código asociado al importe x-ibm-languages: description: en: Code associated with the amount example: "1" amount: properties: [] type: string description: Importe. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Amount ListSpecialServicePaymentEntityParameter: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_SpecialServicePaymentEntityParameter' _ServicePaymentEntity: properties: servicePaymentName: type: string description: Nombre del servicio de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment service name minimumAmount: properties: [] description: Indica el importe mínimo del Servicio de Pago. Importe mínimo acppetado es 0.01. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Indicates the minimum amount of the Payment Service. Minimum amount accepted is 0.01 maximumAmount: properties: [] description: Indica el importe máximo del Servicio de Pago. Importe máximo aceptado es 99999.99. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Indicates the maximum amount of the Payment Service. Maximum accepted amount is 99999.99 entityCode: type: integer description: Código de entidad. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity Code. example: "12345" paymentType: type: integer description: Tipo de pago. Vendrá con valor 1. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment type. It will come with value 1. example: "1" additionalProperties: false ListServicePaymentEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_ServicePaymentEntity' _PaymentLiquidation: properties: code: type: integer description: Código de liquidación x-ibm-languages: description: en: Settlement code example: "11" name: type: string description: Descripcion de la liquidacion x-ibm-languages: description: en: Settlement description example: ProdutoresAgricolas entityCode: type: integer description: Código de entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity code example: "12345" branch: type: integer description: Rama de liquidación de pago relacionada a la Entidad de liquidación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment settlement branch related to the payment settlement entity example: "54169188" _PublicSectorPaymentEntity: properties: entityCode: type: integer description: Codigo de entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity code paymentLiquidation: $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentLiquidation' description: Datos para la liquidación del pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Data for payment settlement ListPublicSectorPaymentEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_PublicSectorPaymentEntity' _PaymentUnit: properties: minimun: type: integer description: Unidad mínima naturaleza del pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Minimum unit nature of payment example: "1" maximun: type: integer description: Unidad maxima naturaleza del pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Maximum unit nature of payment example: "25" _Remuneration: properties: code: type: integer description: Código de la remuneracion. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Remuneration code. example: "1" name: type: string description: Descripcion de la remuneracion. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Remuneration description. example: Mensal-MesCompleto minimumAmount: description: Valor remuneración mensual efectiva mínima $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Minimum effective monthly remuneration value maximumAmount: description: Valor remuneración mensual efectiva máxima $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Maximum effective monthly remuneration value _SocialSecurityPaymentParameters: properties: paymentNature: description: Naturaleza del pago para Seguridad Social de particulares $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentLiquidation' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Nature of payment for Social Security of individuals tsuCenter: description: Datos de los centros de la Seguridad Social TSU. $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentLiquidation' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Data from the TSU Social Security centers. paymentUnit: description: Unidad de pago. $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentUnit' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment unit. remuneration: description: Información relativa al tipo de remuneración. $ref: '#/definitions/_Remuneration' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Information regarding the type of remuneration. ListSocialSecurityPaymentParameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_SocialSecurityPaymentParameters' _PublicSectorPaymentType: properties: code: type: string description: Codigo de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment code example: "01" name: type: string description: Descripcion de tipo de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment type description example: PAGAMENTOPORCONTA1 ListPublicSectorPaymentType: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/_PublicSectorPaymentType' _PaymentPeriod: properties: year: type: integer description: Año de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Year of payment example: "01" month: type: integer description: Mes de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Month of payment example: "10" _Challenge: additionalProperties: false ResponseGetMultibankCatalogue: properties: servicePaymentEntities: description: Conjunto de parámetros genéricos del servicio de pago a tener en cuenta en la definición de interfaz del TPP. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Set of generic payment service parameters to take into account in the definition of the TPP interface. $ref: '#/definitions/ListServicePaymentEntity' specialServicePaymentEntities: description: Comprende todos los datos de pago relevantes de los servicios especiales x-ibm-languages: description: en: It includes all relevant payment details for special services. $ref: '#/definitions/ListSpecialServicePaymentEntity' publicSectorPaymentEntities: description: Comprende todos los datos relevantes de los pagos del sector público x-ibm-languages: description: en: It includes all relevant data of payments of the public sector. $ref: '#/definitions/ListPublicSectorPaymentEntity' socialSecurityPaymentEntities: description: Comprende todos los datos de pago relevantes de los servicios de pago a la seguridad social x-ibm-languages: description: en: It includes all the relevant payment data of the social security payment services. $ref: '#/definitions/ListSocialSecurityPaymentParameters' publicSectorPaymentTypes: description: Comprende lo tipos de pago al sector público. x-ibm-languages: description: en: It includes the types of payment to the public sector.. $ref: '#/definitions/ListPublicSectorPaymentType' _links: properties: [] description: 'Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP. Tipos soportados en esta respuesta:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'List of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP. Types supported in this answer: ' $ref: '#/definitions/_links' psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' additionalProperties: false RequestSocialSecurityWithholding: properties: debtorAccount: description: Cuenta del ordenante x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payer's account $ref: '#/definitions/AccountReference' paymentNature: type: integer description: Identifica la categoría profesional a la que pertenece el trabajador x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identify the professional category to which the worker belongs example: "4613978645" number: type: integer description: Numero de la seguridad social x-ibm-languages: description: en: Social security number example: "10000000003" remunerationCode: type: integer description: Unidad de pago en función del tipo de remuneración x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment unit according to the type of remuneration example: "1" paymentUnit: type: integer description: Unidad de pago en función del tipo de remuneración x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment unit according to the type of remuneration example: "1" remunerationAmount: description: Salario generado en esa unidad de pago $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Salary generated in that pay unit niss: type: integer description: Identificador de la empresa empleadora. Solo vendrá relleno opcionalmente cuando paymentNature es 3. Para el resto de casos no existe. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Employer company identifier. It will only optionally fill in when paymentNature is 3. For the rest of the cases it does not exist. example: "65136589331" paymentDate: type: string description: Fecha de realización del pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment date example: "2020-03-04" ResponseSocialSecurityWithholding: properties: paymentState: type: integer description: Estado en el que se encuentra el pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: State in which the payment is located example: "1" invoiceNumber: type: string description: Número de factura x-ibm-languages: description: en: Invoice number example: "1234" entityName: type: string description: Nombre de la entidad x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity name example: company-name withholding: description: Importe a pagar $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment amount operationReference: type: string description: Identificador único de la operación x-ibm-languages: description: en: Unique operation id example: company-name psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' RequestStartMultibankPayment: properties: instructedAmount: description: Importe de la transferencia x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transfer amount $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' debtorAccount: description: Cuenta del ordenante x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payer's account $ref: '#/definitions/AccountReference' paymentReference: type: string description: Referencia del pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment reference example: "123456789" operationReference: type: string description: Referencia obtenida en la consulta de valor a pagar a la Seguridad Social x-ibm-languages: description: en: Reference obtained in the consultation of the value to be paid to Social Security example: 1501ab4e-6904-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003 paymentType: type: integer description: Tipo de pago a la seguridad social x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of payment to social security example: "1" entityCode: type: integer description: Entidad del pago Multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Entity of multibank payment example: "10003" parameterCode: type: integer description: Código de parámetro asociado al importe. Obtenido en la consulta de catálogo de special-service-payments x-ibm-languages: description: en: Parameter code associated with the amount. Obtained from the special-service-payments catalog query example: "3" taxpayerIdentificationNumber: type: integer description: Número de identificación del contribuyente x-ibm-languages: description: en: Taxpayer identification number example: "6244688226942976" paymentPeriod: description: Periodo por el que se realiza el pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Period for which the payment is made $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentPeriod' tsuCenterCode: type: integer description: Código del centro TSU x-ibm-languages: description: en: TSU center code example: "2698" requestedExecutionDate: type: string description: Fecha de ejecución futura x-ibm-languages: description: en: Future execution date example: "2018-05-17" paymentTypeCode: type: string description: Código del tipo de pago. Devuelto en el catalogo de tipos pagos al sector público x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment type code. Returned in the catalog of types paid to the public sector example: "05" ResponseStartMultibankPayment: properties: transactionStatus: type: string description: Estado de la transacción. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transaction status. example: RCVD paymentId: type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation. example: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 transactionFees: description: Comisiones asociadas al pago. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Fees associated with payment. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' transactionFeeIndicator: type: boolean description: Si es igual a "true", la transacción implicará una comisión según el ASPSP o según lo acordado entre ASPSP y PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: If it is equal to "true", the transaction will incur a commission according to the ASPSP or as agreed between the ASPSP and PSU. example: "false" invoiceNumber: type: boolean description: Número de factura/recibo x-ibm-languages: description: en: Invoice / receipt number example: "12345678901234567890" scaMethods: description: 'Este elemento es contenido si SCA es requerido y si el PSU puede elegir entre diferentes métodos de autenticación. Si este dato es contenido también se informará el link "selectAuthenticationM ethod”. Estos métodos deberán ser presentados al PSU. Nota: Solo si ASPSP soporta selección del método SCA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'This element is content if SCA is required and if the PSU can choose between different authentication methods. If this data is content, the link selectAuthenticationMethod will also be reported. These methods must be presented to the PSU. Note: Only if ASPSP supports selection of the SCA method' $ref: '#/definitions/List_AuthenticationObject' _links: description: Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP x-ibm-languages: description: en: List of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP $ref: '#/definitions/_links' psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseGetStatusMultibankPayment: properties: transactionStatus: type: string description: Estado de la transacción. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transaction status. example: ACCP fundsAvailable: type: boolean description: "Este dato es contenido si es soportado por el ASPSP, si una confirmación de fondos ha sido realizada y si el \"transactionStatus\" es alguno de los siguientes •ACTC•\tACWC•\tACCP" x-ibm-languages: description: en: This data is contained if it is supported by the ASPSP, if a funds confirmation has been made and if the "transactionStatus" is any of the following • ACTC • ACWC • ACCP example: "true" psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseGetMultibankPayment: properties: instructedAmount: description: Importe de la transferencia . x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transfer amount. $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' debtorAccount: description: Cuenta del ordenante . x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payer's account. $ref: '#/definitions/AccountReference' paymentReference: type: string description: Referencia del pago Multibanco . x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment reference. example: "123456789" operationReference: type: string description: Referencia obtenida en la consulta de valor a pagar a la Seguridad Social. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Reference obtained in the consultation of the value to be paid to Social Security. example: 1501ab4e-6904-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003 paymentType: type: integer description: Valores posibles para service-payments 1- Servicios 2 – Compras Valores posibles para special-service-payments - Devueltos en catálogo x-ibm-languages: description: en: Reference obtained in the consultation of the value to be paid to Social Security. example: "1" entityCode: type: integer description: Entidad del pago Multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibanco payment entity. example: "1" parameterCode: type: integer description: Código de parámetro asociado al importe. Obtenido en la consulta de catálogo de special-service-payments x-ibm-languages: description: en: Parameter code associated with the amount. Obtained from the special-service-payments catalog query. example: "3" taxpayerIdentificationNumber: type: integer description: Número de identificación del contribuyente x-ibm-languages: description: en: Taxpayer identification number. example: "6244688226942976" paymentPeriod: description: Periodo por el que se realiza el pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Period for which the payment is made. $ref: '#/definitions/_PaymentPeriod' tsuCenterCode: type: integer description: Código del centro TSU x-ibm-languages: description: en: TSU center code. example: "2698" requestedExecutionDate: type: string description: Fecha de ejecución futura x-ibm-languages: description: en: Future execution date. example: "2018-05-17" paymentTypeCode: type: string description: Código del tipo de pago. Devuelto en el catalogo de tipos pagos al sector público x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment type code. Returned in the catalog of types paid to the public sector. example: "05" transactionStatus: type: string description: Estado de la transacción x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transaction status. example: ACCP invoiceNumber: type: string description: Número de factura/recibo x-ibm-languages: description: en: Invoice / receipt number. example: "12345678901234567890" psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseDeleteMultibankPayment: properties: transactionStatus: type: string description: Estado de la transacción x-ibm-languages: description: en: Transaction status. example: ACCP psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseMultibankAuthorizeConsentEstablishment: properties: scaStatus: type: string description: Estado SCA x-ibm-languages: description: en: SCA status. example: received authorisationId: type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia al sub-recurso de autorización creado x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the authorization sub-resource created. example: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 scaMethods: description: 'Este elemento es contenido si SCA es requerido y si el PSU puede elegir entre diferentes métodos de autenticación. Si este dato es contenido también se informará el link "selectAuthenticationM ethod”. Estos métodos deberán ser presentados al PSU. Nota: Solo si ASPSP soporta selección del método SCA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'This element is content if SCA is required and if the PSU can choose between different authentication methods. If this data is content, the link selectAuthenticationMethod will also be reported. These methods must be presented to the PSU. Note: Only if ASPSP supports selection of the SCA method' $ref: '#/definitions/List_AuthenticationObject' chosenScaMethod: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" $ref: '#/definitions/AuthenticationObject' challengeData: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" $ref: '#/definitions/_Challenge' _links: description: Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP x-ibm-languages: description: en: List of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP $ref: '#/definitions/_links' psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' RequestActualizarDatosPsu: properties: authenticationMethodId: type: string description: Identificador del método de autenticación. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Authentication method identifier. example: "123" ResponseMultibankSelectSCAMethod: properties: chosenScaMethod: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" $ref: '#/definitions/AuthenticationObject' challengeData: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" $ref: '#/definitions/_Challenge' _links: description: Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP x-ibm-languages: description: en: List of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP $ref: '#/definitions/_links' scaStatus: type: string description: Estado SCA. x-ibm-languages: description: en: SCA status. example: received psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseMultibankAuthorizationSubresources: properties: authorisationIds: type: array items: type: string description: Array de authorisationIds. cancellationIds: properties: [] type: array description: 'Array de cancellationIds conectados al recurso de pago. Nota: obligatorio si se trata de una cancelación' items: type: string psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' ResponseMultibankGetSCAStatus: properties: scaStatus: type: string description: Estado SCA x-ibm-languages: description: en: SCA status. example: finalised psuMessage: type: string description: Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Text sent to the TPP through the HUB to be displayed to the PSU. example: Mensaje de ejemplo tppMessages: description: Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Message for the TPP sent through the HUB. $ref: '#/definitions/List_TppMessage' paths: /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco/catalogue/{multibanco-payment-type}: get: summary: Petición iniciada por el TPP para obtener el catálogo de pagos MULTIBANCO description: Petición iniciada por el TPP para obtener el catálogo de pagos MULTIBANCO. x-ibm-languages: summary: en: Request initiated by the TPP to obtain the MULTIBANCO payment catalog description: en: Request initiated by the TPP to obtain the MULTIBANCO payment catalog. operationId: getMultibancoCatalogue parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentReference in: query required: false type: string description: Referencia de la operación x-ibm-languages: description: en: Operation reference - name: instructedAmount in: query required: false type: string description: Importe de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment amount - name: requestedExecutionDate in: query required: false type: string description: Fecha de la ejecución del pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Payment execution date - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseGetMultibankCatalogue' tags: - Servicios multibanco /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco/social-security/withholding: post: summary: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para conocer el valor del importe a pagar en la seguridad social description: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para conocer el valor del importe a pagar en la seguridad social. consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json x-ibm-languages: summary: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to know the value of the amount to be paid in social security description: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to know the value of the amount to be paid in social security. parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: Content-Type in: header required: true type: string description: application/json x-ibm-languages: description: en: application / json - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'Identificador que el PSU utiliza para identificarse en su ASPSP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Identifier that the PSU uses to identify itself in its ASPSP. ' - name: PSU-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Necesario en escenarios donde el PSU tiene varios PSU-IDs como posibilidades de acceso. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Necessary in scenarios where the PSU has several PSU-IDs as access possibilities. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' - name: Body required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RequestSocialSecurityWithholding' responses: 200: description: Respuesta a la operación x-ibm-languages: description: en: Operation response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseSocialSecurityWithholding' tags: - Servicios multibanco /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco/payments/{multibanco-payment-type}: post: summary: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para crear un inicio de pago MULTIBANCO description: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para crear un inicio de pago MULTIBANCO consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json x-ibm-languages: summary: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to create a MULTIBANK payment start description: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to create a MULTIBANK payment start. parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: Content-Type in: header required: true type: string description: application/json x-ibm-languages: description: en: application / json - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'Identificador que el PSU utiliza para identificarse en su ASPSP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Identifier that the PSU uses to identify itself in its ASPSP. ' - name: PSU-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Necesario en escenarios donde el PSU tiene varios PSU-IDs como posibilidades de acceso. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Necessary in scenarios where the PSU has several PSU-IDs as access possibilities. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: TPP-Redirect-Preferred in: header required: false type: string description: Si es "true", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere SCA por redirección. Si es "false", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere no ser redireccionado para SCA y el procedimiento será por flujo desacoplado. Si el parámetro no es usado, el ASPSP elegirá el flujo SCA a aplicar dependiendo del método SCA elegido por el TPP/PSU. x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'If it is "true", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers SCA by redirection. If it is "false", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers not to be redirected to SCA and the procedure will be by decoupled flow. If the parameter is not used, the ASPSP will choose the SCA flow to be applied depending on the SCA method chosen by the TPP / PSU. ' - name: TPP-Redirect-URI in: header required: false type: string description: 'URI del TPP donde el flujo de la transacción debe ser redirigido después de alguna de las fases del SCA. Es recomendado usar siempre este campo de cabecera.En el futuro, este campo podría cambiar a obligatorio. Ej: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP URI where the transaction flow must be redirected after one of the SCA phases. It is recommended to always use this header field. In the future, this field may change to mandatory. Ex: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb ' default: www.example.com - name: TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI in: header required: false type: string description: Si esta URI es contenida, el TPP está solicitando redirigir el flujo de la transacción a esta dirección en vez de al TPP-Redirect-URI en caso de un resultado negativo del método de SCA por redirección. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI":"https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok" x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'If this URI is contained, the TPP is requesting to redirect the flow of the transaction to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the SCA method by redirection. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI": "https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok" ' default: www.example.com - name: TPP-Explicit-Authorisation-Preferred in: header required: false type: boolean description: Si es igual a true, el TPP prefiere iniciar el proceso de autorización separadamente, por ej. debido a la necesidad de la autorización de un conjunto de operaciones simultáneamente. Si es false o el parámetro no es usado, no hay preferencia del TPP. El TPP asume una autorización directa de la transacción en el siguiente paso. x-ibm-languages: description: en: If it is equal to true, the TPP prefers to start the authorization process separately, eg. due to the need to authorize a set of operations simultaneously. If false or the parameter is not used, there is no TPP preference. The TPP assumes a direct authorization of the transaction in the next step. default: false - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' - name: Body required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RequestStartMultibankPayment' responses: 201: description: Created x-ibm-languages: description: en: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseStartMultibankPayment' tags: - Servicios multibanco /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco-payments/{multibanco-payment-type}/{paymentId}/status: get: summary: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para solicitar el estado en el que se encuentra una iniciación de pago. description: Mensaje enviado por el TPP al ASPSP a través del Hub para solicitar el estado en el que se encuentra una iniciación de pago. consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json x-ibm-languages: summary: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to request the status of a payment initiation. description: en: Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to request the status of a payment initiation. parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: Accept in: header required: true type: string description: Formato soportado de la respuesta. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Supported response format. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseGetStatusMultibankPayment' tags: - Servicios multibanco /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco-payments/{multibanco-payment-type}/{paymentId}: get: summary: Este mensaje es enviado por el TPP hacia el ASPSP a través del HUB para la recuperación de información del inicio de pago MULTIBANCO. description: Este mensaje es enviado por el TPP hacia el ASPSP a través del HUB para la recuperación de información del inicio de pago MULTIBANCO. consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json x-ibm-languages: summary: en: This message is sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the HUB to retrieve the information of the MULTIBANCO payment initiation. description: en: This message is sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the HUB to retrieve the information of the MULTIBANCO payment initiation. parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseGetMultibankPayment' tags: - Servicios multibanco delete: summary: Esta petición permite iniciar la cancelación de un pago. Dependiendo del servicio de pago, el producto de pago y la implementación del ASPSP, esta petición podría ser suficiente para cancelar el pago o podría ser necesario una autorización. Si una autorización de la cancelación de pago es necesaria por el ASPSP, el link correspondiente será contenido en el mensaje de respuesta description: Esta petición permite iniciar la cancelación de un pago. Dependiendo del servicio de pago, el producto de pago y la implementación del ASPSP, esta petición podría ser suficiente para cancelar el pago o podría ser necesario una autorización. Si una autorización de la cancelación de pago es necesaria por el ASPSP, el link correspondiente será contenido en el mensaje de respuesta consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json x-ibm-languages: summary: en: This request allows you to initiate the cancellation of a payment. Depending on the payment service, payment product, and ASPSP implementation, this request may be sufficient to cancel the payment or an authorization may be required. If an authorization of the payment cancellation is required by the ASPSP, the corresponding link will be contained in the response message description: en: This request allows you to initiate the cancellation of a payment. Depending on the payment service, payment product, and ASPSP implementation, this request may be sufficient to cancel the payment or an authorization may be required. If an authorization of the payment cancellation is required by the ASPSP, the corresponding link will be contained in the response message parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: Deleted x-ibm-languages: description: en: Deleted schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseDeleteMultibankPayment' tags: - Servicios multibanco /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco-payments/{multibanco-payment-type}/{paymentId}/authorisations: post: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 201: description: Created x-ibm-languages: description: en: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseMultibankAuthorizeConsentEstablishment' tags: - Servicios multibanco get: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseMultibankAuthorizationSubresources' tags: - Servicios multibanco ? /api-entrada-xs2a/services/{asp-name}/v1.1/multibanco-payments/{multibanco-payment-type}/{paymentId}/authorisations/{authorisationId} : put: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: authorisationId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del sub-recurso asociado al inicio de pago Multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of the sub-resource associated with the Multibanco payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' - name: Body required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RequestActualizarDatosPsu' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseMultibankSelectSCAMethod' tags: - Servicios multibanco get: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: asp-name in: path required: true type: string description: Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request. - name: multibanco-payment-type in: path required: true type: string description: Tipo de pago multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Multibank payment type - name: paymentId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago x-ibm-languages: description: en: Resource identifier that refers to the payment initiation - name: authorisationId in: path required: true type: string description: Identificador del sub-recurso asociado al inicio de pago Multibanco x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of the sub-resource associated with the Multibanco payment initiation - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string description: 'Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Corporate-ID in: header required: false type: string description: Identificador de "empresa" en los Canales Online. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Identifier of "company" in the Online Channels. - name: PSU-Corporate-ID-Type in: header required: false type: string description: Tipo del PSU-Corporate-ID necesario por el ASPSP para identificar su contenido. x-ibm-languages: description: en: Type of PSU-Corporate-ID required by the ASPSP to identify its content. - name: Authorization in: header required: true type: string description: 'Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA ' default: Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: 'Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address: ' - name: PSU-IP-Port in: header required: false type: string description: 'Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443 ' - name: PSU-Accept in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json ' - name: PSU-Accept-Charset in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8 ' - name: PSU-Accept-Encoding in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip ' - name: PSU-Accept-Language in: header required: false type: string description: 'Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES ' - name: PSU-User-Agent in: header required: false type: string description: 'Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) ' - name: PSU-Http-Method in: header required: false type: string description: 'Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST ' default: POST - name: PSU-Device-ID in: header required: false type: string description: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7 ' - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string description: 'Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963 ' - name: Digest in: header required: true type: string description: 'Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ == ' - name: Signature in: header required: true type: string description: 'Firma de la petición por el TPP. ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'Signature of the petition by the TPP. ' - name: TPP-Signature-Certificate in: header required: true type: string description: 'Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' x-ibm-languages: description: en: 'TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA ' responses: 200: description: "" x-ibm-languages: description: en: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseMultibankGetSCAStatus' tags: - Servicios multibanco x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://apis-i.redsys.es:20443/psd2/xs2a description: Endpoint entorno Integracion type: - production - development ...