API de Redsys para PSD2
Attachment | Size |
set_pruebas_tpp.xlsx | 28.88 KB |
documentacionswagger.yaml | 231.02 KB |
psd2_-_template_for_query_and_issue.xlsx | 15.05 KB |
Endpoint entorno Integracion
Start of the authorization process in case of Start of Payment
The process of initiating authorization is a process required to create a new authorization sub-resource (if it has not been created implicitly).
Identificador consumidor APIS
"enum": [
"enum": [
Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Este dato es contenido si la transacción de inicio de pago forma parte de una sesión (combinación de AIS/PIS). Contendrá el consentId del consentimiento AIS que se realizó previo al inicio de pago. . Ej: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:
Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json
Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES
Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963
Si es "true", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere SCA por redirección. Si es "false", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere no ser redireccionado para SCA y el procedimiento será por flujo desacoplado. Si el parámetro no es usado, el ASPSP elegirá el flujo SCA a aplicar dependiendo del método SCA elegido por el TPP/PSU.
URI del TPP donde el flujo de la transacción debe ser redirigido después de alguna de las fases del SCA. Es recomendado usar siempre este campo de cabecera.En el futuro, este campo podría cambiar a obligatorio. Ej: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
Si esta URI es contenida, el TPP está solicitando redirigir el flujo de la transacción a esta dirección en vez de al TPP-Redirect-URI en caso de un resultado negativo del método de SCA por redirección. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI":"https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==
Firma de la petición por el TPP.
Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Respuesta a la operación
Obtain sub-resources of the authorization in case of Cancellation of Payment
Will provide an array of resource identifiers for all generated authorization sub-resources
Identificador consumidor APIS
Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición.(BBVA, Banco Santander ...)
"enum": [
Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago o consentimiento.
"enum": [
Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Este dato es contenido si la transacción de inicio de pago forma parte de una sesión (combinación de AIS/PIS). Contendrá el consentId del consentimiento AIS que se realizó previo al inicio de pago. . Ej: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:
Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json
Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES
Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963
Si es "true", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere SCA por redirección. Si es "false", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere no ser redireccionado para SCA y el procedimiento será por flujo desacoplado. Si el parámetro no es usado, el ASPSP elegirá el flujo SCA a aplicar dependiendo del método SCA elegido por el TPP/PSU.
URI del TPP donde el flujo de la transacción debe ser redirigido después de alguna de las fases del SCA. Es recomendado usar siempre este campo de cabecera.En el futuro, este campo podría cambiar a obligatorio. Ej: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
Si esta URI es contenida, el TPP está solicitando redirigir el flujo de la transacción a esta dirección en vez de al TPP-Redirect-URI en caso de un resultado negativo del método de SCA por redirección. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI":"https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==
Firma de la petición por el TPP.
Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Respuesta a la operación
Update PSU data in case of Payment Initiation
This message is sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the HUB to inform the SCA method selected by the PSU.
Identificador consumidor APIS
Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición.(BBVA, Banco Santander ...)
"enum": [
"enum": [
"enum": [
Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Este dato es contenido si la transacción de inicio de pago forma parte de una sesión (combinación de AIS/PIS). Contendrá el consentId del consentimiento AIS que se realizó previo al inicio de pago. . Ej: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:
Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json
Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES
Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963
Si es "true", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere SCA por redirección. Si es "false", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere no ser redireccionado para SCA y el procedimiento será por flujo desacoplado. Si el parámetro no es usado, el ASPSP elegirá el flujo SCA a aplicar dependiendo del método SCA elegido por el TPP/PSU.
URI del TPP donde el flujo de la transacción debe ser redirigido después de alguna de las fases del SCA. Es recomendado usar siempre este campo de cabecera.En el futuro, este campo podría cambiar a obligatorio. Ej: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
Si esta URI es contenida, el TPP está solicitando redirigir el flujo de la transacción a esta dirección en vez de al TPP-Redirect-URI en caso de un resultado negativo del método de SCA por redirección. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI":"https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==
Firma de la petición por el TPP.
Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Respuesta a la operación
Endpoint in case of Start of Payment
Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to request the SCA status of an authorization sub-resource
Identificador consumidor APIS
Nombre del ASPSP al que desea realizar la petición.(BBVA, Banco Santander ...)
"enum": [
"enum": [
"enum": [
Identificador único de la transacción asignado por el TPP. Ej: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtenido en una autenticación previa sobre Auth2. Ej: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Este dato es contenido si la transacción de inicio de pago forma parte de una sesión (combinación de AIS/PIS). Contendrá el consentId del consentimiento AIS que se realizó previo al inicio de pago. . Ej: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
Dirección IP de la petición HTPP entre el PSU y el TPP. Si no está disponible, el TPP debe usar la dirección IP usada por el TPP cuando envía esta petición. Ej: Ej: PSU-IP-Address:
Puerto IP de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP si está disponible. Ejemplo: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Accept: application/json
Accept charset header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header de la petición HTTP entre PSU y el TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: es-ES
Navegador o sistema operativo de la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ejemplo: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Método HTTP usado en la interfaz entre PSU y TPP. Valores permitidos: POST. Ej: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) para un dispositivo. El UUID identifica al dispositivo o a una instalación de una aplicación en un dispositivo. Este ID no debe ser modificado hasta la desinstalación de la aplicación del dispositivo. Ej: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Localización correspondiente a la petición HTTP entre el PSU y el TPP. Ej: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO:90.023856;25.345963
Si es "true", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere SCA por redirección. Si es "false", el TPP ha comunicado al HUB que prefiere no ser redireccionado para SCA y el procedimiento será por flujo desacoplado. Si el parámetro no es usado, el ASPSP elegirá el flujo SCA a aplicar dependiendo del método SCA elegido por el TPP/PSU.
URI del TPP donde el flujo de la transacción debe ser redirigido después de alguna de las fases del SCA. Es recomendado usar siempre este campo de cabecera.En el futuro, este campo podría cambiar a obligatorio. Ej: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
Si esta URI es contenida, el TPP está solicitando redirigir el flujo de la transacción a esta dirección en vez de al TPP-Redirect-URI en caso de un resultado negativo del método de SCA por redirección. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI":"https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
Es contenido si viaja el campo Signature. Ej: Digest: SHA-256=NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ==
Firma de la petición por el TPP.
Certificado del TPP usado para firmar la petición, en base64, sin cabecera, pie ni saltos de linea. Ej: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ………….KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Respuesta a la operación
Payment start
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB for the realization of initiation of a payment.
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
"enum": [
application / json
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
This data is contained if the payment initiation transaction is part of a session (AIS / PIS combination). It will contain the consent of the AIS consent that was made prior to the start of payment. . Ex: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
If it is "true", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers SCA by redirection. If it is "false", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers not to be redirected to SCA and the procedure will be by decoupled flow. If the parameter is not used, the ASPSP will choose the SCA flow to be applied depending on the SCA method chosen by the TPP / PSU.
TPP URI where the transaction flow must be redirected after one of the SCA phases. It is recommended to always use this header field. In the future, this field may change to mandatory. Ex: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
If this URI is contained, the TPP is requesting to redirect the flow of the transaction to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the SCA method by redirection. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI": "https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Bulk payment start
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB for the realization of bulk payment initiation
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
"enum": [
application / json
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
This data is contained if the payment initiation transaction is part of a session (AIS / PIS combination). It will contain the consent of the AIS consent that was made prior to the start of payment. . Ex: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
If it is "true", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers SCA by redirection. If it is "false", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers not to be redirected to SCA and the procedure will be by decoupled flow. If the parameter is not used, the ASPSP will choose the SCA flow to be applied depending on the SCA method chosen by the TPP / PSU.
TPP URI where the transaction flow must be redirected after one of the SCA phases. It is recommended to always use this header field. In the future, this field may change to mandatory. Ex: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
"default": "www.example.com"
If this URI is contained, the TPP is requesting to redirect the flow of the transaction to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the SCA method by redirection. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI": "https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
"default": "www.exampleNOK.com"
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Payment start
Message sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub to create a recurring / periodic payment start. The recurring payment initiation functionality is covered by the Berlin Group specification as the initiation of a specific permanent order. A TPP can send a recurring payment start where the start date, frequency and, conditionally, end date are provided. Once authorized by the PSU, the payment will be executed by the ASPSP, if possible, following the “permanent order” as sent by the TPP. No additional actions are required by the TPP. In this context, this payment is considered a periodic payment to differentiate payment from other types of recurring payments where third parties are initiating the same amount of money. Note: for permanent orders for payment initiation, the ASPSP will always request SCA with Dynamic linking. Exemptions are not allowed.
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
"enum": [
application / json
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
This data is contained if the payment initiation transaction is part of a session (AIS / PIS combination). It will contain the consent of the AIS consent that was made prior to the start of payment. . Ex: Consent-ID: 123-qwer-456
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: POST. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: POST
"default": "POST"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
If it is "true", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers SCA by redirection. If it is "false", the TPP has informed the HUB that it prefers not to be redirected to SCA and the procedure will be by decoupled flow. If the parameter is not used, the ASPSP will choose the SCA flow to be applied depending on the SCA method chosen by the TPP / PSU.
TPP URI where the transaction flow must be redirected after one of the SCA phases. It is recommended to always use this header field. In the future, this field may change to mandatory. Ex: TPP-Redirect-URI: https://www.tpp.com/cb
"default": "www.example.com"
If this URI is contained, the TPP is requesting to redirect the flow of the transaction to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the SCA method by redirection. "TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI": "https://www.tpp.com/cb/nok"
"default": "www.exampleNOK.com"
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
status - Payment status information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information on the status of the payment initiation requested by the TPP
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
statusBulk - Payment status information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information on the status of the payment initiation requested by the TPP
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
statusPeriodic - Payment status information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information on the status of the payment initiation requested by the TPP
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Payment information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information about a payment start
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Payment information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information about a payment start
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Payment information
This message is sent by the TPP to the HUB to request information about a payment start
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment. Previously sent in response to a TPP payment initiation message to the HUB.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
Supported response format.
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "GET"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
Cancel payment start
This request is sent by the TPP to the ASPSP through the Hub and allows to initiate the cancellation of a payment. Depending on the payment service, the payment product and the implementation of the ASPSP, this request may be sufficient to cancel the payment or authorization may be necessary.
Identificador consumidor APIS
Name of the ASPSP to which you wish to make the request.
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Payment product to use.
"enum": [
Identifier of the resource that refers to the payment initiation. Previously sent in response to a payment initiation message from the HUB to the ASPSP.
Unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the TPP. Ex: X-Request-ID: 1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Bearer Token. Obtained in a previous authentication on Auth2. Ex: Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
"default": "Bearer 6yBnsqnMQQ"
IP address of the HTPP request between the PSU and the TPP. If not available, the TPP must use the IP address used by the TPP when sending this request. Ex: Ex: PSU-IP-Address:
IP port of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP if available. Example: PSU-IP-Port: 443
Accept header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. Ex: PSU-Accept: application / json
Accept charset header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept encoding header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept language header of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP. PSU-Accept-Language: en-ES
Browser or operating system of the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Example: PSU-User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko / 20091102 Firefox / 3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
HTTP method used in the interface between PSU and TPP. Allowed values: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. Ex: PSU-Http-Method: GET
"default": "DELETE"
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device. The UUID identifies the device or an installation of an application on a device. This ID should not be modified until the device application is uninstalled. Ex: PSU-Device-ID: 5b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7
Location corresponding to the HTTP request between the PSU and the TPP. Ex: PSU-Geo-Location: GEO: 90.023856; 25.345963
It is content if the Signature field travels. Ex: Digest: SHA-256 = NzdmZjA4YjY5M2M2NDYyMmVjOWFmMGNmYTZiNTU3MjVmNDI4NTRlMzJkYzE3ZmNmMDE3ZGFmMjhhNTc5OTU3OQ ==
Signature of the petition by the TPP.
TPP certificate used to sign the petition, in base64, without header, footer or line breaks. Ex: TPP-Signature-Certificate: MIIHgzCCBmugAwIBAgIIZzZvBQlt0UcwDQYJ ………… .KoZIhvcNAQELBQAwSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBA
"properties": {
"scaRedirect": {
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"selectAuthenticationMethod": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"scaStatus": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"properties": {
"authenticationType": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Tipo del método de autenticación. Valores posibles: • SMS_OTP • CHIP_OTP • PHOTO_OTP • PUSH_OTP Ver anexo 6.6 Tipos de autenticación para más información."
"authenticationVersion": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Versión de la herramienta asociada al authenticationType."
"authenticationMethodId": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Id del método de autenticación proporcionado por el ASPSP."
"name": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Nombre del método de autenticación definido por el PSU en la banca online del ASPSP."
"additionalProperties": false
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/AuthenticationObject"
"properties": {
"scaStatus": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Estado SCA"
"authorisationId": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Identificador del recurso que referencia al sub-recurso de autorización creado"
"scaMethods": {
"properties": [],
"description": "Este elemento es contenido si SCA es requerido y si el PSU puede elegir entre diferentes métodos de autenticación. Si este dato es contenido también se informará el link \"selectAuthenticationM ethod”. Estos métodos deberán ser presentados al PSU. Nota: Solo si ASPSP soporta selección del método SCA",
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/ListAuthenticationObject"
"_links": {
"properties": [],
"description": "Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP. Tipos soportados en esta respuesta: scaRedirect: en caso de SCA por redirección. Link donde el navegador del PSU debe ser redireccionado por el TPP. selectAuthenticatio nMethod: link al sub-recurso de autorización o de autorización de cancelación donde el método SCA seleccionado será informado. • scaStatus: link para consultar el estado SCA correspondiente al sub-recurso de autorización.",
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Links_AutorizacionInicioPago"
"psuMessage": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU."
"tppMessages": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Mensaje para el TPP enviado a través del HUB."
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"authorisationIds": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"description": "Array de authorisationIds."
"cancellationIds": {
"properties": [],
"type": "array",
"description": "Array de cancellationIds conectados al recurso de pago. Nota: obligatorio si se trata de una cancelación",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"authenticationMethodId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identificador del método de autenticación"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"scaRedirect": {
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"selectAuthenticationMethod": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"scaStatus": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "\/aspsp-name\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/1234-qwer-5678"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"tppMessage": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_tppMessage",
"description": "Mensaje para el TPP"
"_links": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Links_ActualizarDatosPSU",
"description": "Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el HUB. Tipos soportados en esta respuesta: • scaRedirect: en caso de SCA por redirección. Link donde el navegador del PSU debe ser redireccionado por el TPP. • scaStatus: link para consultar el estado SCA correspondiente al sub-recurso de autorización. Este link es solo contenido si un sub-recurso de autorización ha sido creado."
"scaStatus": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Estado SCA"
"psuMessage": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Texto enviado al TPP a través del HUB para ser mostrado al PSU."
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"authenticationType": {
"type": "string"
"authenticationVersion": {
"type": "string"
"authenticationMethodId": {
"type": "string"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"explanation": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_authentication_object"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"iban": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "ES2640000418401234567599",
"description": "IBAN de la cuenta",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account IBAN"
"bban": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "BBAN de la cuenta, cuando esta no tiene IBAN.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account BBAN, when it does not have IBAN."
"example": "20385778983000760236"
"pan": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Primary Account Number de la tarjeta. Puede ser tokenizada por el ASPSP para cumplir los requerimientos de PCI DSS.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Primary Account Number of the card. It can be tokenized by the ASPSP to meet the PCI DSS requirements."
"example": "1234567891234567"
"maskedPan": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Primary Account Number de la tarjeta en forma enmascarda.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Primary Account Number of the card in masked form."
"example": "123456******4567"
"msisdn": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Alias para acceder a una cuenta de pago a través de un número de teléfono móvil registrado.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Alias to access a payment account through a registered mobile phone number."
"example": "27821234567"
"currency": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "EUR",
"description": "Moneda",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Currency"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"currency": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Moneda del importe",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Currency of the amount"
"example": "EUR"
"amount": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Cantidad del importe",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Amount of the amount"
"example": "500.00"
"properties": {
"category": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Categoría del tipo de mensaje recibido. Posibles valores: ERROR o WARNING",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Category of the type of message received. Possible values: ERROR or WARNING "
"example": "ERROR"
"code": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Código de respuesta.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Response code."
"example": "CONSENT_INVALID"
"path": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Path al campo referenciando el error.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Path to the field referencing the error."
"text": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Texto adicional explicativo.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Additional explanatory text."
"example": "Ejemplo"
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_tppMessage"
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"description": "URL para el link",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "URL for the link"
"example": "https:\/\/hub.example.es\/authorize"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"description": "URL asociada al link",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "URL associated with the link"
"example": "\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/123-qwe-456"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"example": "\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/123-qwe-456\/status",
"description": "URL del link",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "URL of the link"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"example": "\/v1\/payments\/sepa-credit-transfers\/123-qwe-456\/authorisations\/123auth456"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"example": "https:\/\/hub.example.es\/authorize",
"description": "URL asociada al link",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "URL associated with the link"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"href": {
"type": "string",
"example": "https:\/\/hub.example.es\/authorize",
"description": "URL asociada al link",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "URL associated with the link"
"additionalProperties": false
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"street": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Calle",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Street"
"example": "Ejemplo de Calle"
"buildingNumber": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Numero",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Number"
"example": "5"
"city": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Ciudad",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "City"
"example": "Cordoba"
"postalCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Codigo Postal",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Postal Code"
"example": "14100"
"country": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Pais",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Country"
"example": "ES"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"batchBookingPreferred": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Si este elemento es true, el PSU prefiere solo una anotación. Si este elemento es igual a false, el PSU prefiere anotaciones individuales de todas las transacciones individuales contenidas. El ASPSP seguirá esta preferencia de acuerdo al contrato con el PSU.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "If this element is true, the PSU prefers only one annotation. If this element is equal to false, the PSU prefers individual annotations of all the individual transactions contained. The ASPSP will follow this preference according to the contract with the PSU. "
"example": "true"
"requestedExecutionDate": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Si es contenido, los pagos contenidos en el lote serán ejecutados en la fecha indicada. Este campo podría no ser usado junto con el campo requestedExecutionTime",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "If it is content, the payments contained in the lot will be executed on the indicated date. This field may not be used together with the requestedExecutionTime field"
"requestedExecutionTime": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Si es contenido, los pagos contenidos en el lote serán ejecutados en la fecha\/hora indicada. Este campo podría no ser usado junto con el campo requestedExecutionDate",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "If it is content, the payments contained in the lot will be executed on the date \/ time indicated. This field may not be used together with the requestedExecutionDate field"
"debtorAccount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference",
"description": "Cuenta del ordenante.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account of the payer."
"payments": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/SinglePaymentBulk"
"description": "Este elemento es un array de inicios de pago en notación JSON para los productos de pago soportados. Excluyendo los datos: • debtorAccount • requestedExecutionDate • requestedExecutionTime",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "This element is an array of payment starts in JSON notation for supported payment products. Excluding data: • debtorAccount • requestedExecutionDate • requestedExecutionTime "
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/ListSinglePaymentBulk"
"debtorIdentification": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/PartyIdentification",
"description": "Identificación estructurada del debtor",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Debtor structured identification"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"organisationId": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/OrganisationIdentification",
"description": "Entrada proporcionada por una lista de códigos ISO externa",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Input provided by an external ISO code list"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"others": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/ListOther",
"description": "Lista de \"others\"",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "List of \"others\""
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Other"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"identification": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Entrada proporcionada por una lista de códigos ISO externa",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Input provided by an external ISO code list"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"instructedAmount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_Amount",
"description": "Información de la transferencia realizada.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Transfer information made."
"creditorName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Nombre del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary Name"
"example": "Nombre"
"creditorAccount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference",
"description": "Cuenta del ordenante. Nota: este campo puede ser opcional en algunos servicios como pagos bulk",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account of the payer. Note: this field may be optional in some services such as bulk payments."
"creditorAgent": {
"type": "string",
"description": "BIC de la cuenta del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "BIC of the beneficiary's account"
"example": "XXXLESMMXXX"
"creditorAddress": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Address",
"description": "Direccion Beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary Address"
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Informacion Adicional",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Additional Information"
"example": "Informacion adicional"
"chargeBearer": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Valores permitidos: Valores permitidos: • DEBT • CRED • SHAR • SLEV",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Allowed values: Allowed values: • DEBT • CRED • SHAR • SLEV"
"example": "SLEV"
"debtorAccount": {
"properties": [],
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference",
"description": "Cuenta del ordenante. Nota: este campo puede ser opcional en algunos servicios como pagos bulk",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account of the payer. Note: this field may be optional in some services such as bulk payments."
"purposeCode": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Lista de códigos ISO",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "List of ISO codes"
"endToEndIdentification": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identificador asignado por la parte iniciadora",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Identifier assigned by the initiating party"
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/SinglePayment"
"properties": {
"startDate": {
"type": "string",
"description": "El primer día aplicable de ejecución desde esta fecha es el primer pago",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "The first applicable day of execution from this date is the first payment"
"executionRule": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Define el comportamiento cuando las fechas del pago recurrente caen en fin de semana o festivo. Entonces el pago se ejecuta el día laboral anterior o posterior",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Define the behavior when recurring payment dates fall on weekends or holidays. Then the payment is executed the previous or subsequent business day"
"endDate": {
"type": "string",
"description": "El último día aplicable de ejecución. Si no viene se trata de una orden permanente sin fin.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "The last applicable day of execution. If it does not come, it is an endless permanent order."
"frequency": {
"type": "string",
"description": "La frecuencia del pago recurrente resultante de esta orden permanente",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "The frequency of recurring payment resulting from this permanent order"
"dayOfExecution": {
"type": "string",
"description": "La fecha se refiere a la zona horaria del ASPSP",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "The date refers to the time zone of the ASPSP"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"instructedAmount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_Amount",
"description": "Información de la transferencia realizada.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Transfer information made."
"creditorName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Nombre del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary Name"
"example": "Nombre"
"creditorAccount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference",
"description": "Cuenta del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary account"
"creditorAgent": {
"type": "string",
"description": "BIC de la cuenta del beneficiario.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "BIC of the beneficiary's account."
"example": "XSXHXSMMXXX"
"creditorAddress": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Address",
"description": "Dirección del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary address"
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Informacion adicional",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Additional information"
"example": "Informacion Adicional"
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/SinglePayment"
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/SinglePaymentBulk"
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference"
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/SinglePayment"
"properties": {
"transactionStatus": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Estado de la transaccion",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Transaction Status"
"example": "RCVD"
"paymentId": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"description": "Identificador del recurso que referencia a la iniciación de pago.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Identifier of the resource that refers to the initiation of payment."
"example": "1b3ab8e8-0fd5-43d2-946e-d75958b172e7"
"transactionFees": {
"properties": [],
"description": "Comisiones asociadas al pago.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Fees associated with payment."
"example": "",
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_Amount"
"transactionFeeIndicator": {
"properties": [],
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Si es igual a \"true\", la transacción implicará una comisión según el ASPSP o según lo acordado entre ASPSP y PSU. Si es igual a \"false\", la transacción no implicará ninguna comisión adicional para el PSU.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "If it is equal to \"true\", the transaction will involve a commission according to the ASPSP or as agreed between ASPSP and PSU. If it is equal to \"false\", the transaction will not imply any additional commission for the PSU. "
"example": "true"
"scaMethods": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_authentication_object_list",
"description": "Este elemento es contenido si SCA es requerido y si el PSU puede elegir entre diferentes métodos de autenticación.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "This element is content if SCA is required and if the PSU can choose between different authentication methods."
"_links": {
"properties": [],
"description": "Lista de hipervínculos para ser reconocidos por el TPP. Tipos soportados en esta respuesta:",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "List of hyperlinks to be recognized by the TPP. Types supported in this answer: "
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/LinksInicioPago"
"psuMessage": {
"properties": [],
"type": "string",
"example": "Informacion para el PSU",
"description": "Texto a mostrar al PSU.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Text to display to the PSU."
"tppMessages": {
"properties": [],
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/ListTppMessages",
"description": "Mensaje para el TPP",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Message for the TPP"
"additionalProperties": false
"properties": {
"scaRedirect": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_scaRedirect",
"description": "En caso de SCA por redirección. Link donde el navegador del PSU debe ser redireccionado por el TPP",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "In case of SCA by redirection. Link where the PSU browser must be redirected by the TPP"
"self": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_self",
"description": "Link al recurso creado por esta petición.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Link to the resource created by this request."
"status": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_status",
"description": "Link para recuperar el estado de la transacción",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Link to retrieve the status of the transaction"
"scaStatus": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_scaStatus",
"description": "Link para consultar el estado SCA correspondiente al sub-recurso de autorización. Este link es solo contenido si un sub-recurso de autorización ha sido creado",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Link to check the SCA status corresponding to the authorization sub-resource. This link is only content if an authorization sub-resource has been created."
"startAuthorisationWithAuthenticationMethodSelection": {
"description": "link al end-point de autorización donde el sub-recurso de autorización tiene que ser generado mientras se selecciona el método SCA. Este enlace es contenido bajo las mismas condiciones que el campo \"scaMethods\"",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "link to the authorization end-point where the authorization sub-resource has to be generated while selecting the SCA method. This link is contained under the same conditions as the \"scaMethods\" field"
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_StartAuthorisationWithAuthenticationMethodSelection"
"startAuthorisation": {
"description": "en caso de que un inicio explícito de la autorización de la transacción sea necesario (no hay selección del método SCA)",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "in case an explicit start of the transaction authorization is necessary (there is no selection of the SCA method)"
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Link_StartAuthorisation"
"additionalProperties": false
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"instructedAmount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_Amount",
"description": "Información de la transferencia realizada.",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Transfer information made."
"creditorName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Nombre del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary Name"
"example": "Nombre"
"creditorAccount": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/_AccountReference",
"description": "Cuenta del ordenante. Nota: este campo puede ser opcional en algunos servicios como pagos bulk",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Account of the payer. Note: this field may be optional in some services such as bulk payments."
"creditorAgent": {
"type": "string",
"description": "BIC de la cuenta del beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "BIC of the beneficiary's account"
"example": "XXXLESMMXXX"
"creditorAddress": {
"$ref": "#\/definitions\/Address",
"description": "Direccion Beneficiario",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Beneficiary Address"
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Informacion Adicional",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Additional Information"
"example": "Informacion adicional"
"chargeBearer": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Valores permitidos: Valores permitidos: • DEBT • CRED • SHAR • SLEV",
"x-ibm-languages": {
"description": {
"en": "Allowed values: Allowed values: • DEBT • CRED • SHAR • SLEV"
"example": "SLEV"